We often think we must overwork, bend backward, and sacrifice our self-care time to prove our worth. And frankly, that’s not true.
“Just because you take breaks doesn’t mean you’re broken.” ― Curtis Tyrone Jones
When we constantly run from one mental gymnastics trick to the next, we experience the harsh reality of burnout. If you don’t already know, burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.
Most of us do our best work when we are happiest. After years of working with entrepreneurs, I have found that we tend to be the most productive, joyful, and healthiest when we feel mentally rested and living with a sustainable working schedule.
Sure, you are going to toe the line occasionally. You will get close, but I hope you can combat burnout easily with these tips.
1. Schedule Daily Off Time
No, I don’t mean just vacations. I mean daily mental time off. Create meetings with yourself in your calendar to let your brain release and relax. Whether you sit in the sunlight for 10 minutes or go on a walk, give yourself space each day.
2. Listen to Your Work
If you notice more typos, start missing deadlines, and aren’t feeling inspired to create, work, or implement, you are probably close to burning out. Take those stumbles as signs that you probably need to step away, breathe, and come back later to prevent you from fully hitting a rut.
3. Examine Your Goals
I recommend that my clients reassess their business goals twice a year. You may be surprised at how much goals change based on the season of your life ; even your why statement may change! Make sure you schedule time with yourself for a few days of deep-dive, soul-searching work at least twice a year. Don’t waste time pushing toward a goal you no longer want to achieve.
4. Ditch the Word Balance
Have you heard of work-life balance? Sure, but have you experienced a work-life balance? No! There is no such thing. Balance means “an even distribution,” which puts a lot of pressure on you to be split in the middle perfectly. Instead, use the word harmony. It’s okay to spend more weeks focused on life than work, just like it’s okay to spend some weeks focused more on work. It should ebb and flow. You will never find it if you constantly strive for even distribution.
5. Move More
It’s time we change how we all think about exercise. First, let’s stop calling it exercise -which seems to have a bad connotation of hour-long sweat sessions in spandex surrounded by mirrors. Let’s flip the script and call it movement; let’s remember that there isn’t a time requirement either, so walk around your kitchen while you talk to your mother and stretch after each client. Remember, movement creates endorphins – handy little tools to make you feel happier. There is no limitation to how or when that can happen; in other words, even small moments of movement can make you feel better.
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