The Move Mentors

5 Tasks to Stop Doing Right Now For More Business Success

I struggled with overwhelm for years. For years, I was addicted to saying “yes.” I taught over 30 movement classes a week because I couldn’t say no. I took on more work than I could successfully do because I couldn’t say no. I drowned in the pings and dings and bells and whistles. I had no boundaries, and my self-worth became tied to other people’s perceptions of me. 


Do you feel that way too?


Hi, I am Jessica, and I am a recovering “yes” woman. 


Want to hear the good news? Overwhelm is normal but also unnecessary. You don’t need to feel stretched so thin. You don’t need to feel panic when you wake up each morning. You don’t need to stress about doing all.the.things.


There is a better way. 


“Sometimes our stop-doing list needs to be bigger than our to-do list.” ― Patti Digh


Here are 5 tasks to stop doing to live without being constantly overwhelmed right now. 


Stop Trying to Be Super Target

Listen, I adore you. You are amazing. But you cannot be everything to everyone. Some people don’t like or need your flavor – and that’s ok! It’s more than ok. Instead of attempting to please everyone by offering everything – which exhausts you – find YOUR people & speak directly to them. Offer programs, classes, and sessions that make you happy while answering your target market’s pain points. If it doesn’t bring you joy, dump it (that goes for clientele and offerings).


Stop Focusing Only on Social Media

… and focus more on building your email list. Yes, this is the hot topic right now for every business strategist. If Mark Zuckerberg woke up tomorrow and decided to turn it all off, could you still communicate with your target market? There are many different email services to find the one you like the most.


Are you looking for other ways to connect with clients and leads? Check out these additional contact points. 


Stop Manually Following Up

Systems and technology can be your friends if you take the time to set them up correctly. Dive into your email service and see what type of automation you can create. Can you build a drip campaign that nurtures new clients, so you don’t have to remember to follow up? Can you make an abandoned cart email for your store? Can you send a gift email if someone unsubscribes from your list? Take some time to build it all now, and then let it happen automagically. Not sure what to use as content? Read on!


Stop Creation Overload

If you created something magical, don’t hide it. Reuse it! Don’t teach a killer good workout just once; Recycle it! If you put together an excellent training plan, Reduce your workload and create a lot of content from it. There are so many ways you can make magic once and then, Repurpose it for other means. For example, if you taught the best barre class ever, film it in short segments & send it to your clients as a surprise & delight email series. Use the content to fuel a blog of your favorite lower body endurance exercises, then repurpose that content for social media posts. One class can make a lot of content. 


Stop Forcing It

As mentioned above, if none of this brings you joy, forget it. Well, kind of. Hire a social media manager to take care of your content—partner with other fitness professionals to share blog writing. Find an online manager to take care of setting up your system. You are not an island – don’t try to be one. Asking for help is a sign of greatness, not weakness.


Not sure what your fit actually is anymore? Watch our free “The Fitness of Your Business” webinar: 3 Business Mistakes to Avoid. This 15-minute webinar will teach you how to overcome three business mistakes you may be making. 

Not sure where to start?

Enroll in our Starter Kit to unlock
1. a 30-Minute MyFIIT workout
2. Chia Pudding recipe video,
3. a 2- minute guided meditation, and
4. 3 ways to make social media easier.